cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer

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How to resolve ?? ?

To resolve the error, you need to define your CURL certificate authority information path

To do that,

  1. Download the latest curl recognized certificates here:
  2. Save the cacert.pem file in a reachable destination.
  3. Then, in your php.ini file, scroll down to where you find [curl].
  4. You should see the CURLOPT_CAINFO option commented out. Uncomment and point it to the cacert.pem file. You should have a line like this:
curl.cainfo = “certificate path\cacert.pem” 

这里的路径要配置成绝对路径,不然就报curll77 error

保存重启服务器 Save and close your php.ini. Restart your webserver and try your request again. 

If you do not set the right location, you will get a CURL 77 error.

Special thanks to @badruayomaya for writing this piece. Originally he faced the issue while using the Laravel-Paystack plugin.

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