/*可绘制对象 */let StateBin = require(‘./StateBin‘);let BoundingBox = require(‘../util/BoundingBox‘);let BoundingSphere = require(‘../util/BoundingSphere‘);let Vec3 = require(‘../util/Vec3‘);let Drawable = function (actor) { this._drawActor = actor;//关联的DrawActor this._geometry = undefined;//渲染的几何Geometry this._transform = undefined;//世界变换 FloatArray(16) this._statebin = undefined;//状态结点,原始的状态,没有额外功能时的状态 this._curStatebin = undefined;//如果状态会动态变化,这里存储每一帧绘制时的状态结点 this._depth = 0.0;//场景深度值,透明需要按深度排序绘制 this._boundingBox = undefined;//包围盒 this._boundingSphere = undefined;//包围球};Drawable.prototype = { setGeometry: function (g, transform) { this._geometry = g; this._transform = transform; }, getGeometry: function () { return this._geometry; }, getTransform: function () { return this._transform; }, setStateBin: function (sb) { this._statebin = sb; }, getStateBin: function () { return this._statebin; }, getCurrentStateBin: function () { return this._curStatebin; }, // setDepth: function (d) { // this._depth = d; // }, getDepth: function () { return this._depth; }, reset: function () { this._geometry = undefined; this._transform = undefined; this._statebin = undefined; this._curStatebin = undefined; this._depth = 0.0; this._boundingBox = undefined; this._boundingSphere = undefined; }, valid: function () { if (this._drawActor.getBaseCamera().isBoundingBoxCulled(this.getBoundingBox())) { return false; } return true; }, isTransparent: function () { return false; }, //计算深度值 computeDepth: function () { //根据包围盒和相机变换矩阵,确认中心点的Z值 let mvmatrix = this._drawActor.getBaseCamera().getModelViewMatrix(); let temp = Vec3.MemoryPool.alloc(); this._depth = this.distanceZ(this.getBoundingBox().getCenter(temp), mvmatrix); Vec3.MemoryPool.free(temp); //drawable.setDepth(depth); }, //相机的矩阵要取反 distanceZ: function (coord, matrix) { return -(coord[0] * matrix[2] + coord[1] * matrix[6] + coord[2] * matrix[10] + matrix[14]); }, getBoundingBox: function () { if(this._boundingBox === undefined){ this._boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); this._boundingBox.copy(this._geometry.getBoundingBox(true)); if(this._transform){ this._boundingBox.transformMat4(this._transform); } } return this._boundingBox; }, getBoundingSphere: function () { if(this._boundingSphere === undefined) { this._boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(); let bb = this.getBoundingBox(); this._boundingSphere.expandByBoundingBox(bb); } return this._boundingSphere; }, getRadius: function () { return this.getBoundingSphere().getRadius(); }, // There are 3 cases when there is a prev / current render leaf // pSG: previousStateGraph // cSG: currentStateGraph // pRL: previousRenderLeaf // cRL: currentRenderLeaf // // A B C // +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ // | pSG | | cSG | +--+ SG +--+ | SG | // +--+--+ +--+--+ | +-----+ | +--+--+ // | | | | | // +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ // | pSG | | cSG | | pSG | | cSG | +--+ SG +--+ // +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ | +-----+ | // | | | | | | // +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ // | pRL | | cRL | | pRL | | cRL | | pRL | | cRL | // +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ // // // Case A // no common parent StateGraphNode we need to // popStateSet until we find the common parent and then // pushStateSet from the common parent to the current RenderLeaf // // Case B // common parent StateGraphNode so we apply the current stateSet // // Case C // the StateGraphNode is common to the previous RenderLeaf so we dont need // to do anything except if we used an insertStateSet draw: function (glstate, preDrawable) { //先接受状态,再渲染几何 let curStateGraph = this._statebin; let curStateGraphStateSet = curStateGraph.getStateSet(); let curStateGraphParent = curStateGraph.getParent(); let preStateGraph; let preStateGraphParent; if(preDrawable !== undefined){ preStateGraph = preDrawable._statebin; preStateGraphParent = preStateGraph.getParent(); if(preStateGraphParent !== curStateGraphParent){//A StateBin.moveStateBin(glstate, preStateGraphParent, curStateGraphParent); glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); }else if(preStateGraph !== curStateGraph){//B glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); }else{ // in osg we call apply but actually we dont need // except if the stateSetStack changed. // for example if insert/remove StateSet has been used // if (glstate._stateSetStackChanged(idLastDraw, lastStateSetStackSize )) { // glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); // } } } else{//如果preLeaf为空,第一个绘制的几何,状态遍历到根节点全部push到GLState中 StateBin.moveStateBin(glstate, undefined, curStateGraphParent); glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); } let camera = this._drawActor.getBaseCamera(); glstate.applyModelMatrix(this._transform, camera.getModelViewMatrix(), camera.getProjectionMatrix()); this._geometry.draw(glstate); return true; },};module.exports = Drawable;// set: function (stateGraph, geometry, , depth) {// this._statebin = stateGraph;// this._geometry = geometry;//// this._depth = depth;// },// drawGeometry: function (glstate) {// //let program = glstate.getLastProgramApplied();// //let programID = program.getID();// //let programCaches = glstate.getProgramCaches();// //let obj = programCaches[programID];// // if(!obj){//程序不存在,创建一个新的// // obj = new CacheUniformApply(glstate, program);// // programCaches[programID] = obj;// // }//// //从相机获取modelview和projection// //着色器暂时不需要透视矩阵// //let modelview = this._camera.get//////// //glstate.applyModelViewMatrix(this._modelview);// //glstate.applyProjectionMatrix(this._projection);// glstate.applyTransformMatrix(this._transform);// //this._modelview = this._camera.getModelViewMatrix();// //Mat4.mul(this._modelview, this._modelview, this._transform);// //this._projection = this._camera.getProjectionMatrix();// glstate.applyModelMatrix(this._transform, this._camera.getModelViewMatrix(), this._camera.getProjectionMatrix());////// //let gluniforms = program.getGLUniformsCache();// //let modelviewloc = gluniforms[glstate._modelViewMatrixUniform.getName()];// //let viewloc = gluniforms[glstate._viewMatrixUniform.getName()];//// //obj.apply(glstate, this._modelview, this._modelworld, this._view, this._projection, this._normal);// this._geometry.draw(glstate);// },
let Drawable = function (actor) { this._drawActor = actor;//关联的DrawActor this._geometry = undefined;//渲染的几何Geometry this._transform = undefined;//世界变换 FloatArray(16) this._statebin = undefined;//状态结点,原始的状态,没有额外功能时的状态 this._curStatebin = undefined;//如果状态会动态变化,这里存储每一帧绘制时的状态结点 this._depth = 0.0;//场景深度值,透明需要按深度排序绘制 this._boundingBox = undefined;//包围盒 this._boundingSphere = undefined;//包围球};
/*绘制对象角色每个DrawActor管理自己的渲染数据,自己的状态树,自己的相机树如果该功能销毁直接销毁对应的DrawActor资源但是他引用的状态,相机并不是他管理不想把各个DrawActor搅和在一起,逻辑混乱绘制分几种情况,全自动,全手动,半自动全自动-所有的绘制流程从一开始数据构造好后就不会再变更,只需在初始化时确认好 后续直接渲染即可半自动-部分绘制流程是固定的,部分绘制流程是动态的,比如构件场景下,需要点选高亮等功能变化全手动-所有的绘制流程都是动态的,每一帧都需要重新构造每个drawable,部分功能数据 */let Drawable = require(‘./Drawable‘);let StateBin = require(‘./StateBin‘);let NodeVisitor = require(‘../util/NodeVisitor‘);let CullStack = require(‘./CullStack‘);let Mat4 = require(‘../util/Mat4‘);let Group = require(‘../core/Group‘);let Geode = require(‘../core/Geode‘);let MatrixTrasform = require(‘../core/MatrixTransform‘);let SceneRoot = require(‘../scene/SceneRoot‘);let Geometry = require(‘../core/Geometry‘);let DrawActor = function (renderer) { NodeVisitor.call(this, NodeVisitor.TRAVERSE_CHILDREN); CullStack.call(this); //为正确渲染准备的数据 this._renderer = renderer;//所属的渲染器,固有资产,不会变更 this._baseCamera = this._renderer.getMainCamera();//相机,默认为主相机 this._baseState = new StateBin();//状态 this._sceneRoot = undefined;//所属的场景根节点 //渲染的对象 this._drawables = []; // this._drawIndex = 0;//当前绘制的索引数,需要固定帧率渲染的地方使用 // this._currentStateBin = undefined;//当前处理的状态树结点,临时数据 // //this._fixed = false;//是否启用固定帧率 this._valid = true;//直接屏蔽渲染的标记};DrawActor.prototype = Object.create(NodeVisitor.prototype);Object.assign(DrawActor.prototype, CullStack.prototype);DrawActor.prototype.constructor = DrawActor;Object.assign(DrawActor.prototype, { setBaseCamera: function (camera) {//设置当前相机,可以自由设置自己独特的相机 this._baseCamera = camera; }, getBaseCamera: function () { return this._baseCamera; }, getBaseStateBin: function () { return this._baseState; }, getBaseStateSet: function () { return this._baseState.getStateSet(); }, //复原场景根节点的状态 revertBaseState: function () { if (this._sceneRoot) { this._baseState.setStateSet(this._sceneRoot.getStateSet()); } }, //与场景的唯一联系,一定要先定义好场景的几何和状态再调用setSceneRoot setSceneRoot: function (root) { this._sceneRoot = root; //一定要先定义好场景根节点的状态,否则会出错!!! //this._baseState.setStateSet(root.getStateSet()); }, createDrawable: function () {//base override return new Drawable(this);//创建对应类型的Drawable }, addDrawable: function (drawable) { this._drawables.push(drawable); }, getDrawables: function () { return this._drawables; }, valid: function (valid) { if (valid !== undefined) { this._valid = valid; } return this._valid; }, //遍历 apply: function (node) { this[node.typeID](node); }, //重载,压入一个状态 pushStateSet: function (stateset) { if (stateset) { //添加StateGraph子节点,更新当前活动的StateGraph为新的状态 this._currentStateBin = this._currentStateBin.addStateSetChild(stateset); } }, //重载,弹出一个状态 popStateSet: function (stateset) { if (stateset) { this._currentStateBin = this._currentStateBin.getParent(); } }, //重载 pushDrawable: function (geometry) { let drawable = this.createDrawable(); drawable.setStateBin(this._currentStateBin); drawable.setGeometry(geometry, this.getCurrentTransformMatrix()); this.addDrawable(drawable); }, //根重载,绘制当前Actor下的drawables,绘制不需要固定帧率,永远在第一帧里绘制完毕 draw: function (glstate, preCamera) { if (!this._valid) {//不再绘制 return preCamera; } this.drawCamera(preCamera); //循环遍历一遍drawables,绘制实体 let preDrawable = undefined; let l = this._drawables.length; for (let i = this._drawIndex; i < l; i++) { let drawable = this._drawables[i]; if (drawable.valid()) { drawable.draw(glstate, preDrawable);//成功绘制的 preDrawable = drawable; } this._drawIndex++; } return this._baseCamera; }, //每个新帧绘制之前的重置工作 drawReset: function () { this._baseCamera.setClearFlag(false); this._drawIndex = 0; }, //当前Actor的对象是否全部绘制完毕 drawFinished: function () { return this._drawables.length === this._drawIndex; }, //绘制相机状态(视口,清空) drawCamera: function (preCamera) { if (preCamera === this._baseCamera) {//重复的不再处理 return; } //视口何时都需要设置 let glstate = this._renderer.getGLState(); glstate.applyAttribute(this._baseCamera.getViewport()); //以下是每个相机只需要处理一次的事情 if (!this._baseCamera.getClearFlag()) { //更新视锥体,确保剔除正确,每帧相机的投影矩阵和视图矩阵可能都会变化 this._baseCamera.updateCullFrustum(); //清空颜色和深度,但如果是主相机不再需要,在最开始就已经清空 let clearmask = this._baseCamera.getClearMask(); if (clearmask !== 0x0) { let gl = glstate.getWebGLContext(); if (clearmask & gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) { let color = this._baseCamera.getClearColor();//清空颜色 gl.clearColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]); } if (clearmask & gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) { let depth = this._baseCamera.getClearDepth();//清空深度 gl.depthMask(true); gl.clearDepth(depth); } gl.clear(clearmask); } this._baseCamera.setClearFlag(true); } }, //根重载,线段求交,返回相交的drawable对象 linesegmentIntersect: function (start, end, threshold) { let LineSegmentIntersector = require(‘../util/LineSegmentIntersector‘); let intersector = new LineSegmentIntersector(); intersector.initialize(start, end, threshold); let length = this._drawables.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { let drawable = this._drawables[i]; if (drawable.valid()) {//没有隐藏,没有被剔除的drawable进行相交运算 intersector.intersect(drawable); } } //线段求交结果需要根据ratio排序 return intersector.getIntersections(); },});DrawActor.prototype[SceneRoot.typeID] = function (root) { this._baseState.removeChildren(); this._baseState.setStateSet(root.getStateSet()); this._currentStateBin = this._baseState; this.pushTransformMatrix(root.getRootTransform());//变换矩阵中先推入一个单位矩阵作为根节点,非常重要 this.traverse(root); this.popTransformMatrix(); this._currentStateBin = undefined;};DrawActor.prototype[MatrixTrasform.typeID] = function (node) { //模型矩阵变换 let lastModelMatrix = this.getCurrentTransformMatrix(); let mmatrix = undefined; if (lastModelMatrix) { mmatrix = Mat4.clone(lastModelMatrix); } else { mmatrix = Mat4.new(); } node.computeLocalToWorldMatrix(mmatrix); this.pushTransformMatrix(mmatrix); //状态 let stateset = node.getStateSet(); this.pushStateSet(stateset); this.traverse(node); this.popStateSet(stateset); this.popTransformMatrix();};DrawActor.prototype[Geode.typeID] = function (geode) { this[Group.typeID](geode);};DrawActor.prototype[Group.typeID] = function (group) { let stateset = group.getStateSet(); this.pushStateSet(stateset); this.traverse(group); this.popStateSet(stateset);};DrawActor.prototype[Geometry.typeID] = function (geometry) {//Geometry已经是叶子,不需要继续递归了 let stateset = geometry.getStateSet(); this.pushStateSet(stateset); this.pushDrawable(geometry); this.popStateSet(stateset);};module.exports = DrawActor;// reset: function () {// this._drawables.length = 0;//置空// this._sceneRoot = undefined;// },// polytopeIntersect: function () {//// },// sphereIntersect: function () {//// },
let Drawable = function (actor) { this._drawActor = actor;//关联的DrawActor this._geometry = undefined;//渲染的几何Geometry this._transform = undefined;//世界变换 FloatArray(16) this._statebin = undefined;//状态结点,原始的状态,没有额外功能时的状态 this._curStatebin = undefined;//如果状态会动态变化,这里存储每一帧绘制时的状态结点 this._depth = 0.0;//场景深度值,透明需要按深度排序绘制 this._boundingBox = undefined;//包围盒 this._boundingSphere = undefined;//包围球};
setGeometry: function (g, transform) { this._geometry = g; this._transform = transform; }, getGeometry: function () { return this._geometry; }, getTransform: function () { return this._transform; }, setStateBin: function (sb) { this._statebin = sb; }, getStateBin: function () { return this._statebin; }, getCurrentStateBin: function () { return this._curStatebin; }, // setDepth: function (d) { // this._depth = d; // }, getDepth: function () { return this._depth; }, reset: function () { this._geometry = undefined; this._transform = undefined; this._statebin = undefined; this._curStatebin = undefined; this._depth = 0.0; this._boundingBox = undefined; this._boundingSphere = undefined; }, valid: function () { if (this._drawActor.getBaseCamera().isBoundingBoxCulled(this.getBoundingBox())) { return false; } return true; }, isTransparent: function () { return false; }, //计算深度值 computeDepth: function () { //根据包围盒和相机变换矩阵,确认中心点的Z值 let mvmatrix = this._drawActor.getBaseCamera().getModelViewMatrix(); let temp = Vec3.MemoryPool.alloc(); this._depth = this.distanceZ(this.getBoundingBox().getCenter(temp), mvmatrix); Vec3.MemoryPool.free(temp); //drawable.setDepth(depth); }, //相机的矩阵要取反 distanceZ: function (coord, matrix) { return -(coord[0] * matrix[2] + coord[1] * matrix[6] + coord[2] * matrix[10] + matrix[14]); }, getBoundingBox: function () { if(this._boundingBox === undefined){ this._boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); this._boundingBox.copy(this._geometry.getBoundingBox(true)); if(this._transform){ this._boundingBox.transformMat4(this._transform); } } return this._boundingBox; }, getBoundingSphere: function () { if(this._boundingSphere === undefined) { this._boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(); let bb = this.getBoundingBox(); this._boundingSphere.expandByBoundingBox(bb); } return this._boundingSphere; }, getRadius: function () { return this.getBoundingSphere().getRadius(); },
// There are 3 cases when there is a prev / current render leaf // pSG: previousStateGraph // cSG: currentStateGraph // pRL: previousRenderLeaf // cRL: currentRenderLeaf // // A B C // +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ // | pSG | | cSG | +--+ SG +--+ | SG | // +--+--+ +--+--+ | +-----+ | +--+--+ // | | | | | // +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ // | pSG | | cSG | | pSG | | cSG | +--+ SG +--+ // +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ | +-----+ | // | | | | | | // +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ +--v--+ // | pRL | | cRL | | pRL | | cRL | | pRL | | cRL | // +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ // // // Case A // no common parent StateGraphNode we need to // popStateSet until we find the common parent and then // pushStateSet from the common parent to the current RenderLeaf // // Case B // common parent StateGraphNode so we apply the current stateSet // // Case C // the StateGraphNode is common to the previous RenderLeaf so we dont need // to do anything except if we used an insertStateSet draw: function (glstate, preDrawable) { //先接受状态,再渲染几何 let curStateGraph = this._statebin; let curStateGraphStateSet = curStateGraph.getStateSet(); let curStateGraphParent = curStateGraph.getParent(); let preStateGraph; let preStateGraphParent; if(preDrawable !== undefined){ preStateGraph = preDrawable._statebin; preStateGraphParent = preStateGraph.getParent(); if(preStateGraphParent !== curStateGraphParent){//A StateBin.moveStateBin(glstate, preStateGraphParent, curStateGraphParent); glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); }else if(preStateGraph !== curStateGraph){//B glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); }else{ // in osg we call apply but actually we dont need // except if the stateSetStack changed. // for example if insert/remove StateSet has been used // if (glstate._stateSetStackChanged(idLastDraw, lastStateSetStackSize )) { // glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); // } } } else{//如果preLeaf为空,第一个绘制的几何,状态遍历到根节点全部push到GLState中 StateBin.moveStateBin(glstate, undefined, curStateGraphParent); glstate.applyStateSet(curStateGraphStateSet); } let camera = this._drawActor.getBaseCamera(); glstate.applyModelMatrix(this._transform, camera.getModelViewMatrix(), camera.getProjectionMatrix()); this._geometry.draw(glstate); return true; },